Tree of Life

Tree of Life
Esoteric Map

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Qabalah – Mystical Yoga of the Western World - Part 1

Qabalah is the mystical yoga of the Western World. It is Wisdom of Israel. Judaism was the source of the Western spiritual culture. Jesus and Paul were originally Jews. Mysticism of Israel is the foundation of modern European occultism. It is the theoretical basis of the ceremonial aspects of occultism. The Glyph – the Tree of Life is an excellent meditation symbol. It is most comprehensive of the meaning. For getting any true value from Qabalah in the present day circumstances, we need to re-interpret the doctrine and re-formulate its method in the light of the present dispensation.
There are many tributaries to the original stream of Hebraic Mysticism. There are its traces in the nomad star-worshippers of Chaldea. Abraham hears the voice of God with his people in his tent. There has been interchanges for several generations between the princes of Israel and the priest-kings of Egypt. Famous Tyrian Mysteries have very profound influence on Hebrew esotericism. The example of Daniel being educated in the palaces of Babylon very clearly shows that wisdom of the Magi has its influence on the Hebrew illuminati.

The ancient mystical tradition of the Hebrews had three literatures
       Books of the Law and the Prophets which is popularly known as the Old Testament
       The Talmud which is nothing but a collection of learned commentaries on the books of the Law and the Prophets
       Qabalah, which is actually the mystical interpretation of the Books of the Law and the Prophets.

Books of the Law is composed of tradition. Talmud is its rational soul. Qabalah is its immortal spirit. Ignorant men read only the first. Learned men study the Talmud. Wise men meditate upon the Qabalah. Somehow the Christian  critical study has missed the keys to the Old Testament in the Qabalah. During the time of Jesus, there were three schools of religious thought in Palestine. They were Pharisees, Sadducees and Qabalah. Gospels frequently refer to the Pharisees and Sadducees. As per the esoteric tradition, the boy Jesus, son of Joseph was spotted by the learned doctors of Law when he spoke in the Temple at the age of twelve. He was then sent to the Essenian community near the Dead Sea. He was trained in the mystical tradition of Israel at the Essenian community. Then he came to John for getting baptized in the Jordon. At the age of thirty, he started his mission. It is interesting to note that the closing part of the Lord’s Prayer is pure Qabalism. The basal triangle of the Tree of Life is formed by the Malkuth (Kingdom), Hod (Power, Majesty, Splendor) and Netzach (Perpetuity, Victory, Glory). The central points are Yesod (the Foundation) or the Receptacle of Influences. It is certain that the person who formulated that prayer very well knew his Qabalah.

The Esoteric roots of Christianity can be found in the Gnosis. It owed much of its sources to Greek and the Egyptian thought. We can see that the system of Pythagoras is an adaptation of the Qabalistic principles into the Greek mysticism. On the other hand, the exoteric state organised aspect of the Christian Church persecuted and rooted out the esoteric tradition. It brutally destroyed every trace of its literature which has any even remote connection to the Gnosis. It is a recorded history that the baths and bakeries of Alexandria got their fuel for six months with the manuscripts from the great library. Very little has survived of the spiritual heritage in the ancient wisdom from esoteric traditions.

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