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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Qabalah – Mystical Yoga of the Western World - Part 2

Qabalah – Mystical Yoga of the Western World
Part 2

The weakening of the power of the Church after fifteenth century encouraged the men in the know to write down the conventional Wisdom of Israel. Qabalah was considered to be of origin in the medieval origin because we did not have anything written about it in earlier period. However if we consider the way of working of the esoteric fraternities, it will not be difficult to understand that a whole cosmogony and psychology can be conveyed in a Glymph which has revealed all the secrets of the mysteries to the initiates. At the same time, for uninitiated, it does not mean anything. It is quite possible to get these strange old charts being handed down over several generations with only verbal communication of their secret meaning being given to the few initiates. Whenever any doubt arises about the meaning of any obscure word or phrase or ritual, the meditation on the glyph would inwardly reveal all the secrets. The meditations done by several generations had ensouled in the glyph its live entity which is accessible to the succeeding generation in the similar way. It is a well known esoteric secret to mystics that even if a man has not been expressly educated by his predecessors through oral tradition, he can still access to the esoteric secret by meditating on the glyph. This is because of the cumulative effect accrued over several generations of meditations on the glyph.

The organised Church destroyed all its rival forces from the field. All its traces were eliminated. During the Dark Ages, all the seeds of the mystical tradition which sprang up were brutally destroyed. However mysticism is inherent in the human race. The destruction by Church of all the roots of the tradition from the Group-Soul could not prevent the devout spirits within her fold to rediscover the technique of the soul’s approach to god. It developed a characteristic Yoga of their own. It is closely similar to the Bhakti Yoga of the East.

The literature of Catholicism is rich in treatises on mystical theology. They reveal practical acquaintance with the higher states of consciousness. This is done through a somewhat naïve conception of the psychology of these states of consciousness. It only revealed the poverty of a system which could not benefit from the experience of the tradition.

Catholic Church has much of its system based on the Bhakti Yoga – Devotional aspect of God realization. It is suitable for only a particular type of people whose temperament is naturally inclined towards devotion. These people find their readiest expression in loving self-sacrifice. However, it is not suitable to those who do not have devotional disposition. Unfortunately, Christianity does not have any scope for other ways to reach god. In the East, there are developed many Paths to God as per the inclination of the aspirant. All the Paths are accepted. Not so in Christianity.

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